Rules & Timeline

Sep 03, 2012 15:31

2012 Timeline

September 5th to September 15th: Prompt submissions
September 16th to September 26th: Prompt claiming and sign ups
November 26th: Submissions due
December 1st: Posting starts

NB! As something new, we now also allow podfics! See further information in the rules.

General Rules

1. Het, slash, femslash, gen, and threesomes+ are all allowed, as long as at least one Next Gen character is included.

2. All ratings will be accepted: G to NC-17.

3. This is a prompt-based fest, it will be anonymous with the exception of the podfics.

4. Please do not post your work elsewhere until the end of the fest.

5. All fanfiction and podfics must to be beta read/proofread/listened/checked for quality before submission.

6. Characters of the same age involved in explicit sexual activity should be 16+. Please warn for any under-age (below 18 for most countries) characters engaged in sexual activity. If you write cross-gen, please make sure the next gen kid is 18+.

7. Extensions will be granted on a case by case basis. However, contact the mods as soon as possible if you are going to need one.

Prompts Submissions and Prompts Claiming Rules

1. Anybody can submit a prompt, with no limit on how many one person can submit.

2. You do not need to submit a prompt to claim one.

3. Contact the mods if you wish to claim a prompt after the claiming period and we'll see if we can work something out.

4. There will be a limit to two claims per prompt; one claim for art and one claim for fic.

5. You can only claim another prompt after you have submitted your first prompt.

6. All claims will be screened.

7. Please do not claim your own submitted prompt.

8. Podficcers obviously do not claim one of the prompts, but will follow a slightly different set of instructions (to be detailed in the claiming post). The short of it is: When claiming they must provide a working link to the fic they have chosen as well as we require that the podficcer has acquired permission to podfic the fic in question, if the author does not have a public permission statement in their profile.

Submission Guidelines and Rules

1. Fanfic, fanart, fanmix, , podfics, fanvids, poetry, photography, graphic, crafts, and etcetera are all accepted.

2. The finished product needs to be related to the prompt. However, you are free to interpret however you wish. This same rule is valid for podficcers. Any podfic is accepted so long as it 1) has been created for this fest 2) includes at least one next-gen character and 3) is related to the theme of winter and the winter holidays.

3. For fanfics, please send the file as .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .txt.
a. Minimum word count: 1000. Maximum word count: None. If above 10,000 words include details of where you wish breaks to be as your fic will need to be posted in sections
b. Please disable smart quotes (
c. Please put spaces between your paragraphs. Meaning, at the end of the paragraph do a hard enter by pushing the "ENTER" key TWICE.
d. Please make sure to add any HTML you wish to include(

4. For artworks/graphics/photography, please send the file as .jpg, .gif, or.png.
a. Please size your artwork to a reasonable size and easily viewable on a standard screen size.
b. If you have more than one file, compress them into a .zip file and send it.
c. Please provide a 150x150 WORKSAFE thumbnail for artwork.

5. For fanmixes, please submit .mp3 files.
a. To send the mp3 files, uploading them onto MediaFire or Yousendit will be the best option.
b. If you have a cover/tracklist for the fanmix/multimedia projects, please follow the artworks/graphics/photography submission guidelines.

6. For podfics, please submit .mp3 files. If you are able to compile .m4b files (audiobook files), please submit these also.
a. To send the files, uploading them onto Mediafire or Yousendit will be the best option.
b. If you have a cover for the podfic, please attach it to the email as a .jpg. Cover art must be 400x400px.

7. In the email subject, please put "USERNAME, TYPE OF WORK, PROMPT NUMBER", ie: MRS_JACK_TURNER, FANFIC, PROMPT #23.

8. All submissions must provide the appropriate header information:


Prompt Number:
Warnings/content: Highlight to read *YOUR WARNINGS HERE*
Medium or word count:
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. All works posted at this community were created entirely for fun without making any profit. No copyright infringement is intended.


Warnings/content: Highlight to read *YOUR WARNINGS HERE*
Link to Text: here
Cover Art: (if applicable)
File Size: MB
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. All works posted at this community were created entirely for fun without making any profit. No copyright infringement is intended.

8. Please title your files USERNAME nextgenmas.

Have a question? Do you need an extension? Don't hesitate to email the mods at nextgenmas at gmail dot com.

!rules, !mod

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