Jan 04, 2012 13:03

We hope everyone's caught up on everything while the fest was still anonymous. Today is REVEALS! or, essentially, time-to-stalk-that-one-author-or-artist-you-thought-was-absolutely-fantastic. (That's basically all of us. :D) It also means that from now on you are free to respond to your comments and repost your fic and art to your own journals and archives. We'll be going through the entries shortly to add in the usernames.

Once again, thank you to everyone ♥ You guys are fabulous and we mods have been floored with the quality of the submissions. Best fest ever? We think so! :D

Please please let us know if we cocked up and attributed the wrong name to the wrong fic/art! We've doublechecked the list, but mistakes can still happen.

If you hang around for a few days, there'll soon be a feedback post up, where you can tell us what was wrong/could've been done better/what was really good/etc. We'd love to hear from you. ♥

*reveals!, *masterlist, !mod, *2011

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