
Mar 08, 2004 08:57

Aloha. Im in computer apps eating breakfast from my lunch bag. Which happens to be slices of cheese. Is that weird? I used to always bring that for lunch but the people around me seem to think its kinda strange. Maybe it smells funny. Anyway not much has happened so far today. I saw the Oz house this morning where Lyle became dissapointed with me because my eyelashes are some what black-ish today. But ya know if they were blue every day it wouldnt be a happy thing anymore, it would just become a normal thing. By the way F5 is a shortcut for the Go to dialogue box and Microsoft Exel is THE MOST used program in the office. Im learning so much. Ive been scrolling down on this spreadsheet since the beginning of class. I got to like 1010 before I gave up. Ive been having some thoughts on these studded belt things. They serve no purpose really. This one is from Lindsey Miller's exchange student from last year and it just weighs my pants down. Like I gain muscle by walking a certain way to keep them on. Its like a game. How entertaining. I watched Serendipity this weekend! Twice while I was babysitting and finishing a million worksheets. Its about fate and destiny and all of those things that dont serve much purpose but keep people believing. I liked it.My cheese is gone. Haha Ms. D just got shocked by the TV. I like having this class first, I have time to slowly wake up instead of last half where it was like WABAMM First Block! Algebra 2 think think think. does anybody know when spring break is?

Trading 19 years for 19 minutes... Clinging with your empty fists your falling in it ...                                                                                                                                                     
Wanting to not want this yet living out tomorrows regret.
Regretting to not forget the stuff that comes with it

How do you testify on giving up the one thing you had to lose.
How would you rest if I said I want to trade it all and be there for you.
How would you rest if I testified on you.

This is one more chance.

--Across Five Aprils

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