May 22, 2005 11:10
Ah lets see...Throughout the week, I worked after school for 2 hours a day. Ended up making 250 dollars in 2 weeks. Friday afternoon my dad came to pick me up outta school early, So I could go buy myself a new amp. Turns out he comes in picks me up...We head off to go find me an amp.
I bought one. 300 dollars.
I owe my dad 100.
So we head off to charlies place to try this new thing out. The amp kicks ass.
Saturday rolls around and My dad gets pissy with me, and I made the mistake of returning the same attitude...Therefore getting grounded! Gay.
So instead of jammin all day at charlies to sitting in my room for near 4 hours.
4 hours later, Dad decides that hes gonna stop being a nazi and let me leave for the remainder of the night. Its about 7:45 by the time me, kevin and stephanie leave to charlies. Pretty late considering the neighbors dont like to put up with the Loud noise. We only got an hour to jam :(
Therefore we got bored and headed to wendys. Charlie was kind enough to buy us all something to eat.....than again he got the 10 dollars from his bro. =D
Had a couple good laughs whilst eating. Than we take the adventure back to his place.
Shortly upon arriving back at charlies My nazi dad and his friend show up to come hear us play. Too bad we couldnt...Charlies dad had us on lockdown.
Ah well it was fun while it lasted. My dad drove us to my place and kevins to drop off our gear. Than we head to kevins. From there we take stephanie home and proceed back to my place to sit on my computer and be lame asses for a few hours.
I went to bed at 2:30.
Woke up.
Now im sitting here telling the few people that actually read this about my past couple days.
I need a coffee and some food.
Thats it for now, later.