Goodbye 2007 the worst year of my life!

Jan 10, 2008 15:58

I understand that I have to learn from the past, watch the present and create my future. It took this long to figure it out. Gosh I'm a fucking genious!

The best thing that ever happened to me was when the ball dropped on New Years Eve. Not because I was with great friends (Chris, Andrea and Andy), not because we were dressed up and it was fun and not because I was drunk and at a concert... mostly because we were entering a new year that looks promising. 2007; worst year of my life... the end.

I once heard a quote that said you will miss 100% of the shots you DON'T take. So true, right?!?! Well that is why I decided to give DJ-ing a shot. Yupp not on the radio though (like I wish) but as a freak at the bar. Yupp I'll be that guy (well girl). Great right? Positives: extra cash, not far from home, friends can visit me and I can drink. Negatives: it might be during the week 9:30p-2:30a and I'll only get 3 hours of sleep before working at 89x/93.9. More negatives would be looking like a fool, friends not visiting and etc... Whatever.

Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself. That is what I am planning on doing. I am me, like it or not!

Todays Plan:
*Work- 9a to 5p.
*Gym- 5:15p to 8p.
*Shower etc;;
*Girls night w/ Kelli, Jess, Katie and etc.
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