1 [Accidental Video]

Jul 20, 2011 17:36

[There is a rather ungainly thud as a figure lands, hard, on the ground. Pale trembling fingers sink into the soil to push the boy -- no more than sixteen -- onto his hands and knees. He is breathing heavily, a thin sheen of sweat covering his handsome face -- but that glint in his eyes shows a tremendous amount of life.

Thin lips purse together as the boy lifts his head, black hair falling into his eyes as he forces himself to look around his surroundings. One hand is curled around a thin piece of wood -- thirteen inches long, made of yew, to those that are truly paying attention -- and the boy pushes himself back to sit on his heels, laying the wand in the palm of his hand, dark eyes fixated upon it as he whispers:]

Point Me.

[The wand does not move. There is the slightest twitch in his cheek as the teenager hisses it again:]

Point --

[But from behind the teenager, there is a louder hiss -- a snarl, actually -- and Tom Marvolo Riddle twists his body around to stare at quite the large rabbit, which is baring his teeth towards the teenager in question. His eyes narrow and he raises his wand quickly, flicking it slightly with his right wrist.

But, again, nothing happens.

Tom's grip tightens on his wand and, this time, he adds the incantation, and with each spell, his voice becomes more and more of a feral snarl.]

Relashio! Stupefy! Impedimenta!

[The rabbit lunges. Tom instinctively lashes out with a hand, slamming his wand against the side of the animal, before diving for a rock -- which he brings squarely down upon the skull, killing the creature instantly.

The movements have Tom gasping for breath, though, and a pale hand presses against his chest, and he hisses:]

What did they do to me? Where is it, where is my --

[And his body convulses as he doubles over, arms finding his midsection as he retches.]

holy shit i'm a muggle, brb making horcruxes, i split my soul seven ways, !event: power failure, the pursuit for immortality, !arrival, i am a genius no really, killing small animals since 1926

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