Blatantly stolen from Nicole

Jun 21, 2007 01:27

Pick 15 movies you like, and then go to and take the top three "keywords" that movie falls under.

Except I"m also gonna do what she did and very carefully and intentionally chose four keywords for each movie b/c it's more fun that way.

1. Spaceship/Hand-to-Hand/Death/Love
2. Idiots/Stunts/Midget/Painful - Jackass (ID'd correctly by George)
3. Homosexual/Twins/Cat/Rope
4. Endings/Board Game/Murders/Revolver - Clue (ID'd correctly by Nicole)
5. Villains/BAM!/Shark Repellent/Dehydration
6. Time/Baby/Maze/Goblins - Labyrinth (ID'd correctly by George)
7. Iocane/Pirate/Father/Breasts - The Princess Bride (ID'd correctly by George)
8. Princess/Tiger/Parrot/Wish - Aladdin (ID'd correctly by George)
9. Homosexuals/Training Camp/Repressed Homosexual/Drag Queen - But I'm a Cheerleader (ID'd correctly by Nicole)
10. 1:37/Store/Gambling Debt/Party
11. Virtual Reality/Cops/Serial Killer/Game - Virtuosity (ID'd correctly by George)
12. College/Eclairs/Underage Drinking/Newspaper - Van Wilder (ID'd correctly by Nicole)
13. DNA/Island/Blackout/Amber - Jurassic Park (ID'd correctly by Nicole)
14. Transsexual/Mansion/Musical/Sex - Rocky Horror Picture Show (ID'd correctly by Nicole)
15. Spaceship/Aliens/Ice/Planet Bob - Titan AE (ID'd correctly by George)
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