Person of the Week Award

Aug 01, 2007 10:30

As some of you know, the comic book store I work at recently changed ownership. The new owner is local, loves the store, and doesn't know a whole lot about management. The old manager is still the same, and a girl who's been here since the store opened was made assistant manager. Not because of her managerial skills, but simply because she's been there longest.

This is why she gets the Person of the Week Award. Today I came in to work and found a note saying, "Do Mat and Laura know they can vacuum now?" Accompanied by earlier notes like, "Train openers on the fan switch." "Train openers on florescent lighting."

This training involved knowing where a certain switch was and pressing it. WOO, TRAINING! I am now more qualified for my job, which certainly warrants a pay raise. And do I know I can vacuum? Certainly. Do you, assistant manager? I'm not sure that you do, because I know you've never done it while I've worked here.

Leaving notes saying, "Train openers to..." and the like are not only unprofessional, they're not proactive. They help you feel important in your "new" position. I get the sense that she does not think she can be an assistant manager unless there are underlings involved, and she wants to put distance between herself and Mat and I so she can seem more important and unattainable. I have been here for a year. I am GOOD at my job. I don't need TRAINING TO FLIP A SWITCH YOU DUMB BROAD. Aside from having a new title, nothing has changed. You still don't do a whole lot here in the store, hoist the things you don't like doing on someone else, and you're still pretty bad at customer service.

Take some tips from the current manager, sweetheart.
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