I made my apointment for this Saturday. I'm jumping out of a perfectly good airplane. After this it's only $40 an addition jump and the place is only 20 mins outside of madtown. I think I found a new hobby (addiction). woot woot.
Other news. I'm not totally done with my mp3 streaming server. I still have a couple folders left to re-encode and still have a new GUI to build but I got the underlying parts done and moved it to live. In the event that anyone wants access to over 10,000 songs ....
http://nexxus916.net:1194 I can support about 5-8 concurrent users.
Not that I expect brand to read this, but if your sorry ass does. Next week I'll start working on merging our systems.
On a funny/odd note. I was driving home the other day when I notice the car behind be follow into my parking lot. No biggy. The person parked three stalls down. A neighbor I guessed. As I was getting out of the car, the driver approached and said "Hey do you remember me?". I of coursed did not. She says "I went to WSU with you." I she must have graduated about the same time I did. It turns out she lives just a couple doors down in my apt building. How odd. I guess a nother girl lives a mile down the road. And a nother person from the crew will be in town this weekend. I think we're supposed to go dowtown friday.