Book Log: #24 - A Fractured Mind

May 10, 2007 23:01

I forgot: I listened to A Fractured Mind by Robert Oxnam. I've always been fascinated by Dissociative Identity Disorder, more commonly known as Multiple Personality Disorder.

This account is similar to others - the main difference being that Dr.Oxnam was the president of the Asia Society, and is a very high powered individual who has traveled the world lecturing on China, and giving VIP tours to people like Bill Gates & Warren Buffet.

His account is also interesting in that he does not dwell on the abuse he suffered, but rather, talks more about the inner landscape his alters inhabit.

My main problem with this book wasn't the book, but with the narrator, as it was an audio book. He was OK - not as bad as some - but certainly annoying. There is one alter - Bobby, who ages during the book. He grows up. He starts out as about 10, and when the book ends he is about 20. But the narrator speaks like he is still 10, and that is both really annoying and fairly unbelievable.

There is a certain amount of contraversy over whether or not DID exists - making a personality who is way past puberty sound like they are 6 years old, isn't going to help any.*

Other than that, it was quite good. I think I might have preferred to read it, and not have it read to me. If you are fascinated by the human mind and the extraordinary lengths it will go to protect itself, this one is recommended.

*I don't participate in that contraversy. I believe that this disorder exists. If you want to go argue about it, do it elsewhere.


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