Today I am 28 weeks pregnant. I found a great illustration on
Childbirth Connection that shows what my insides are looking like these days:
28 Weeks
Yes, all my organs are squished. The baby is supposedly about 15" long from crown to toes these days, and zir eyes are opening and closing. Zie sleeps and wakes at regular cycles, and supposedly *dreams* now! What zie dreams about, I don't know, but that's pretty cool. Zie is also *starting* to regulate zir own temperature and blood production. NEAT! Oh, and zie weighs between 3 and 4 pounds probably.
I am suffering from a few of the pregnancy related issues - I'm starting to have trouble sleeping at night. I wake up regularly at 4:30 which has been happening for a bit lately, and I sleep much more lightly right now. I'm tired - but I've been tired this entire pregnancy so there you go. Some leg cramps, especially at night, especially in my calves. Some "heartburn". It doesn't feel like regular heartburn though - just my stomach is much smaller and if I don't watch out, I fill it too fast.
I've had the occasional
Braxton Hicks contraction (BH from here on out), but only after.... vigorous adult activities so I don't worry about it.
Haven't had much constipation or anything like that. Mostly I'm quite comfy. Can't run up steps and I get out of breath going up the stairs of the subway, but I just take it easy and it's fine. People offer me their seats almost every day on the train now. Women are still beating men at 5:2.
I feel the baby move whenever zie is awake and I love it.
This week, the baby started kicking/moving with enough vigor to see it from the *outside* of my uterus, which is freaky and cool. Usually I have felt zir head, butt, or back pressing up against the walls. This week I felt a definite foot. :) I also can get zir to kick by poking and squeezing my uterus. I don't do it too often, but I did it to get zir to kick for a friend of mine at work. My friend was THRILLED so it was worth it :)
What else? I am still weighing about 166 lbs. Good stuff. My hands have not swelled or anything, and my wedding ring fits still. Heat makes my hands swell though, so maybe not for much longer. But that's true not-pregnant too.
This week I interviewed doulas. I was supposed to have a midwife appointment yesterday, but she was called to a birth! I'm going to try and go into her office next Wednesday instead.
That's all I can think of for now. Tomorrow morning,
midnightstation is taking my picture for our baby-bump series, and I'm packing the house in prep to move it around on Sunday.
I'm SO excited to move the house around! I'm nervous about the mess and my own exhaustion, but I'll be SO glad to have room for the kiddo. I'm looking forward to NESTING.
At the end of April, labor classes start. WHEE!
I'm madly in love with my husband, and make him touch my belly whenever the baby moves.