I'm not going to pretend that I don't have a bias, because I was already in the homebirthing camp before I saw
The Business of Being Born as a result of the birth experience of one of my best friends, a woman I refer to as "The Mama" in this journal
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I used gas-and-air in all three labours and TENS in the second and third. Both worked very well for me. Sitting in warm water was not such a good idea for me because it stopped the contractions altogether (even when I was already about 5cm dilated, so labour had been well-established), and it was difficult to get them started again. I also found in the pushing stage that I personally push more effectively on my back with my feet in stirrups than sitting or squatting upright, and I also push more effectively if I don't yell a lot - that seemed to disperse the energy I had, whereas if I was quieter, it naturally directed itself downwards and let me push more strongly. YMMV, obviously :-)
Here in my city, the lowest rate hospital was one in the Bronx that had an 18% rate ... and was one of the TWO hospitals with a birthing center... a birthing center that has just been "temporarily closed" this past month. Interestingly enough, the poorer the neighborhood, the lower the CSection rate. Which suggests some scary things about insurance and greed.
You'll note that in my review I say that if I am not high risk I'll do it. I might be high risk due to age, but maybe not.
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