Dec 03, 2007 19:51
For those of you who haven't been following or don't know, I've been suffering from some serious IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) for about six months now. My doctors put me on a gluten and dairy free diet. I eliminated nightshades (peppers, eggs, tomatoes and potatoes) and eggs. And have gotten a LOT better.
I'm testing dairy on Wednesday.
I'm pretty certain that the culprits are nightshades and eggs. Those are the foods I eliminated on my own, and have had a marked recovery since then.
However, nightshades comprised a *big* portion of my diet. I grew up on spaghetti with red sauce, ziti is one of my winter staples, eggplant and five spice is one of my favorite things to order in, and I've mentioned before of my unholy love of mashed potatoes.
I'm finding that it was relatively easy cutting out dairy and gluten - but incredibly hard for me to cut out the nightshades. My beloved hot peppers! My roasted tomatoes! What will I do?!
To answer that, I'm going back to basics. Sometimes it's best. Go back to the basics, and build upwards from a solid foundation. Good for houses, good for relationships, and this time good for my stomach.
Dinner tonight is a simple roasted chicken with herbs and olive oil. Roasting with it are beets, turnips and carrots. On the side we'll have a simple salad of fresh greens and nuts, with olive oil and vinegar.
Sometimes simple is best. And sometimes it's also delicious!