Oct 09, 2007 07:47
I had a funny mash-up dream last night. I dreamt a Buffy episode - but it got all mixed in with Dune stuff. It was a two-parter and I only "watched" the first part.
Buffy had to go somewhere to kill something, so the Tleilaxu sent a Face Dancer to keep the demons in line while she's gone. Will the gang have to kill the Face Dancer? Also, how well *does* the Face Dancer imitate Buffy. Spike tries to find out - sexually of course. Will Buffy be mad when she gets back? Is it really cheating, anyway?
Tune in next week!
Yes, I am continuing to re-read the Dune series. I'm on Chapterhouse now.
I am thinking a lot about the God Emperor's Lesson. His goal, I think, was to force humanity to mature out of two things (primarily). To mature past the need for religion and leaders, and to mature past the need for violent confrontation. But what is the Sisterhood's Noble Purpose? To continue that maturation? Or to survive? Is survival itself a Noble Purpose? Is it noble to survive without a Noble Purpose?
I still haven't figured that one out.