I haven't been writing about the market lately - but I should! It's full swing of summer and there is EVERYTHING pretty much! Today I bought tomatoes for making sauce with - my first non-jam/preserves canning experience! I don't really know how many pounds I got. At least 10 for about $22. Shallots are my favorite and I got some of those too, along with fresh garlic and a black radish as a condiment for dinner. Little Italian heirloom squashes that the farmer said were "less dry". Sunday, I'm hoping do some canning and making of pickles. I need to find out if Chioggia beets (I barely restrained myself, my bag is too heavy as it is!) will hold their
stripes when pickled, but I adore beet pickles and look forward to making my own no matter what. To that end, I am making it a priority to go to the market up near me on Sunday.
Tonight I think we'll just have rice and a quick stirfry of shrimp (frozen right now), summer squash and bok choy with the fresh ginseng I found last week, and the lime basil I found at the market today. So good. I'll probably start prepping tomatoes for sauce making procedures if we hang out and watch movies. I like to have something to do with my hands.
Lunch today was market celebratory. I am trying to make sure we eat everything in the 'fridge and I found a bag of lovely salad greens that hadn't yet made it down our gullets. TOday I had that, along with buttered slices of sourdough from my Favorite Baker (buttered with Ronnybrooks butter, natch), and a couple of hard boiled eggs. My salad was dressed with EVOO and sherry vinegar, and a sprinkling of
bee pollen spice mix - and yes, the bee pollen came from the market :) Simple and filling and good. Later, I'll have tea and fruit tart/galette/phyllo/thingy.
I love the Union Square Greenmarket.
bklyndirt was unimpressed but she saw the market on the weekend. I never go on Saturdays, and so can't say what it's like. Wednesday though? Man - the market wraps around the park and runs for the equivalent of two NYC blocks. Mounds of produce, sellers of meat and cheeses, breads, juices, yogurt, eggs, mushrooms, wines, plants... in short, everything you need. I think it is one of my most favorite things in NYC.