Mar 10, 2013 04:42
First let me start out with saying that I am not being racist here, but these are the facts and they are so fucking consistent there is no mistaking the TRUTH.
I thank my lucky stars every time I get a black cab driver as they are nice, friendly, don't attempt to rip me off, and THEY SMELL GOOD, EITHER LIKE SOAP OR LIKE NOTHING. Contrary to all the other cab drivers I get who try to fucking rip me off for like dollars, even cents, I literally roll my windows down all the way and freeze and they still smell disgusting. It makes me want to literally puke. Fucking pisses me off, idiot drivers who think I am stupid and try to take the obviously wrong route and think I will just sit there quietly and take it. I had the sweetest cab driver last night, this Nigerian guy and he was telling me how dead it had been for him and how he made no money this week yet he took the fastest route, and was just all around such a pleasure to talk to and deal with. Definitely the opposite of my experience just before him.
Went to the gym right before it closed today and spent about 50 minutes there. Did cardio first (my goal was to do it longer than the last time every time. Even if just a bit longer as I LOATHE cardio.) David came at some point AFTER 7:30pm, biking from Mississauga. Kinda crazy... for a 30 minute workout lol. I did 22 minutes of cardio but would've done more but he wanted to go to the weight machines and I did too. Did some assisted pullups plus the other two machines. I'm going to have to start to learn names of machines and also muscles! The last one we did was killer... so awesome though but I was already hurting from two days ago. Stretching today was a crappy time, I was so cold ad couldn't properly warm up and lots of muscles hurt so much and I was just really tense. Not my best but i'll do it twice as good tomorrow. I just really need sleep because of stupid daylight savings making me miss an hour of sleep!
Perhaps I adore food so much and can appreciate even subtle differences is connected to how sensitive I am to scents as well. I feel so happy when things around me smell good, I love walking into my house and smelling how nice it smells, yet I am so aware of how AWFUL people around me smell. On the subway and like I mentioned, the cab drivers. I adore food soo much & would rather starve than eat something I find unappealing that many people actually enjoy (akrams for example) but it's like I am hyper aware of how shitty it tastes and most people have no taste buds or something hahaha.
So many plans for March break and i'm excited. Going to spend many more hours at the gym, catching up on science, visiting Kimmie and Vinnie + Michelle. And cooking! Figuring out how to get more protein into my diet. I went to Akai today and I had fish for the first time in months, and it was really tasty but my desire to eat that again is just not there. I'm glad I only got a small portion otherwise I wouldn't have finished.
Ack, allergy shots are making my Zeus allergies WORSE! I hope this goes away soooon, my face is itchy :'(