
Dec 04, 2007 15:05

I'm extremly bored......So I thought I would give that Guess The Lyrics game a try. Now we all know my taste in music usually differs from most people in the group so I will try to put songs in that anyone should be able to get. And NO CHEATING!!!! If ya really can't get it and ya really want to know the answer just ask and I'll tell ya. ~Stephanie

1. Well, I looked at my watch, I looked at my wrist, I punched myself in the face with my fist.

2. I just spent 60 days in the jailhouse, for the crime of having no dough. Now here I am back out on the street, for the crime of having nowhere to go.

3. Most important thing you can't forget is learning the entire Greek alphabet. I never did really understand how that's gonna make me anymore a man but I learned it. I can whip through that Son-of-a-beta backwards in five seconds.

4. Life in plastic, it's fantastic! You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation.

5. Now everybody gather in the square, to twist their fingers in my hair. They hang around like a serpentine, and try to speak like Frankenstein.

6. Privately probing the public rooms, and peeking thru keyholes in numbered doors.
Where the players lick their wounds, and take their temporary lovers. And their pills and powders to get them thru this passion play.

7. Deep in the belly of the whale I found her down with the deep blue jail around her. Runnin’ her hand through the ribs of the dark, Florence and Calamity and Joan of Arc.

8. While we live according to race, colour or creed. While we rule by blind madness and pure greed. Our lives dictated by tradition, superstition, false religion.

9. Roam from town to town guess I get people down. But I don’t care too much about that cause my gut and my wallet are fat.

10. Look into your heart pretty baby, is it aching with some nameless need.
Is there something wrong and you cant put your finger on it.

11. Well perhaps that is self-pity. But I'm remembering a dream
Some damn thing about lost love. How foggy it does seem. So now I wade in muck and mire. And they tell me that it's fun. But all it does for me is make me ask; when will it all be done.

12. My mother told me good. My mother told me strong. She said be true to yourself
And you cant go wrong.

13. I ran down to the levee but the devil caught me there. He took my twenty dollar bill and vanished in the air.

14. Well the year's drifted by them, as we all know they can.
He found other women, but she refused other men. But as fate would have it, they met again. She was on a down-hill slide, and he was just slidin' in.

15. Sally ,take my hand. Travel south crossland. Put out the fire. Don't look past my shoulder.
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