Aug 14, 2004 18:54
This will probably be the first of many entries tonight. I am stuck in the computer until midnight. Its only 7pm. Stupid bastards. Basically, you sit here in the Uniion lounge place, at a big desk, and play on the computer for six hours. Suckage. But I did at least get the internet to work, obviously.
Saw the condo today. I was expecting really bad, and its not at all. It has a fire place and a little backyard area. Its really cute. I'm so excited about it. We are going to try and start moving in tomorrow. That should be fun. Trying to see if I can not work tomorrow night. Might have to, but we'll see. God, so excited about it. Can't wait to start decorating it and stuff. Kate is supposed to come to the union tonight and we are going to plan stuff out. But I have a sinking feeling that it might not happen. I'm getting worried.
Oh yeah. So, the lounge is being used for a wedding reception aparently. But I still have to sit in here. That should be interesting. They haven't come in yet, and the computer lab will still be open. So I'm just the random girl in uniform sitting in on their wedding reception. Good times. Not awkward for me at all. Good, good times.