For St.Mag's Matchmaking Challenge

Sep 02, 2007 00:00


I'm kind of ick-ish (okay, worried and upset and depressed) about leaving for uni. Especially since I'm likign the one I picked (okay, the only one that accepted me) less and less.

But whatever.

I'm going to Barcelona with Granny for a week! YAY! Also, yay, fictime. Rather: versebuilding time. Introducing Amy Jordan, Draco Malfoy's one twoo wuv....

Love For The Lonely- Magical Moments For New York Newcomers

Love For The Lonely caters to the crowd of newcomers that come to Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York, the thriving center of wizarding life in America, each year, searching for their magical equivalent of the American Dream.

* * *
Name of the Witch:  Amy Cynthia Jordan (OC)

Name of the Wizard: Draco Malfoy

Tell us about this witch: She’s a Muggle-Born Magical Marine Zoologist, born and raised into a loud, big family in Seattle, where her parents own an Inn overlooking Pujet Sound. American Magical Education is organized as a “supplement” to normal education- starting in Third Grade, young witches and wizards attend afterschool, weekend and summer classes, as well as camps, retreats etc. Amy went to a normal American High School, and went to Stanford, where she graduated from the School of Biology and the Magical Chapter of the college. She recently moved to the East Coast, where she is studying the swimming patterns of diamond sting ray, a rare breed of rays whose blood has magical properties similar to dragon’s. She’s living in Coney Island, which is one of the centers of wizarding life in America, in the same building of furnished apartments where Draco is also staying (see below).

Amy is pretty, in an earthy sort of way with high cheekbones, brilliant blue eyes, dark brown hair and a tall, solid frame. She’s extroverted and laughs a lot, is emotionally kind of all-over-the-place, but warm and engaging, with a genuine interest in most people. She’s clever and can be quite snarky at times.

Tell us about this wizard: Draco, as we know, comes from an overprotective, elitist but essentially loving family- loving towards him, in any case. His parents where never cool towards him, in fact they both spoiled him rotten and raised him to believe that he is better than almost everyone else. He joined the Death Eaters in the beginning of HBP out of a mixture of desperation and defiance, both wanting desperately to be treated as a grown-up, and terrified of the consequences for himself and his family if he didn’t join. After Voldemort’s defeat, his parents quickly adapted back into society, his mother especially was grateful to have a life free of blood and fear back, but Draco for a long time was confused about his further path in life, bordering on depression. His parents sent him on a tour of the world sort of thing, making him visit the Black’s land in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, but even when he returned from there, he was still aimless and moody. Finally, his parents decided that what he needed in life was a purpose, and sent him to Coney Island Magical Port, where he was to stay with his Aunt Catalina, Lucius’ sister, and her husband Benedict Maudlin. The Maudlins still run the magical steamboat business Jean-Baptiste Malfoie made his money with three generations ago, and Draco is supposed to learn the trade from them and enter the company.

Where in the HP timeline does this match occur? 4-or-so years after DH.

Describe the first date you would send them on:

Amy is harboring a crush on the building’s doorman, a Quidditch player trying to make it big, with swishy blonde hair and a beefcake body. When she sees him fill out a Love For The Lonely form, she fills one out too, hoping to be paired for a blind date with him- and ends up with Draco instead, whose Aunt Catalina, sure that the only thing that could lift her nephew’s spirits at this point were girls, filled out the form without him knowing it.

LftL (Love for the Lonely) told them to meet at the Muggle Coney Island boardwalk -Catalina tricked Draco-, and meet they did. Amy was horrified to find herself face-to-face and supposed to be socializing with the snobby guy she onyl knew from glances in the laundry room and elevators of the building. Draco, on the other hand, was completely fascinated by her, though very much unable to communicate it. They made it through a hotdog and twenty minutes of forced conversation before Amy excused herself and left, rather annoyed. Draco however was struck in a Darcy-when-he-sees-Elizabeth-with-her-hem-six-inches-in-the-mud sort of way, and really, that was just the beginning. What followed was an Austenian romance with a lot more angst

Where do their interests/personalities overlap? They’re both in Coney Island looking for a fresh start- for Amy, it's the start of her career, for Draco its to give his life a new purpose. Both come form loving but extremely dominating families, both are rather emotionally messy -Draco's stunted, Amy's a mess- and both are highly ambitious. Draco thought he'd lost his cunning, his ambition with Voldemort, but Amy makes him remember his drive.

Where do they differ? Everywhere else, basically. It's a mystery what, exactly, attracts them to each other. but somewhere along the way, Amy falls in love with him the snobby, badly scarred British guy and they live happily ever after. Ish.

Epilogue - what happens to them in 19 years? I'm  #too tired to do the math, but obviously they wind up married and with baby Scorpius. His mom calls him Bob, by the way. Amy has become one of the top names in Magical Zoology by now, and Draco is about to take over the shipping firm when Lucius dies. Draco moves the family back to England, which turns out to be a really bad idea, because it means Scorpius is going to Hogwarts, and also Cissy absolutely hates Amy and is pretty much the worst mother-in-law in the universe. Scorpius heads to Hogwarts, meets Rosie and Al on the Express and the become the new trio when Al and Scorpius are sorted into Hufflepuff, much to the chagrin of their fathers. Amy, however, gets on reasonably well with both Ginny and Hermione, and encourages as a slow but steady peace between the fathers.

fic, rambling, mood&real life

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