{public defender's office} With a little help from my friends

Oct 18, 2010 17:07

Tinga was a difficult one.

She wasn't the peachiest peach in front of the judge and the prosecution had that on them. Luckily, the judge dismissed her being a "flight-risk" and released her on bail. Kirk and Angel had a meeting with her the next day and that meant pizza. Angel ordered in most nights they stayed late at the office. Tonight was no exception.

The two pies were open on the table with plates set aside if anyone wanted a plate. Angel never used one, anyway. A slice in his hand as he perched on the low bookshelf behind the conference room table and took a bite.

Quinn had more manners, preferring a plate and napkins she had grabbed from her desk. She declined the offer of beer from Angel and stuck with a bottle of water as she perched on the chair at the end of the table. Her feet were tucked under her. Before digging in, she took her hairband and pulled her hair up.

Sometimes, it was hard not to stare at James Kirk. She found herself glancing up and keeping her gaze for longer than she had intended. This was one of those times.

This amused Angel endlessly. It wasn't hard to cash in on Kirk's sex appeal when he needed it and the guy was a professional as well. Angel took another bite before finally speaking.

"We need to talk to this girl. Get her to take the deal--" he said, pausing for another bite. "Or, we try to sweeten the deal. So, where are we right now?"

He looked to Arianna but any one was free to answer.

james kirk, [setting]: public defender's office, arianna montenegro, quinn james, angel

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