We've been broken up for two weeks now.
I can't express how I feel right now. But I think I am getting over it. All that hurts the memory of the good times. I mean, what else would? I feel alone sometimes, but that more or less doesn't have to do with him. I was talking to Alison yesterday about her break ups which just further solidified my thought that "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime". Eventually I will meet someone knew. It could be in years, it could be tomorrow, I could have already met them. For now I need to do myself a favor and snap the hell out of this state. I slept through school again today (well I went at lunch because he had a performance). Anyway I can't really say in words all the things I am thinking so instead I will post this to remind myself next time I look through this. All I can do is be strong. There will be sad moments and happy moments. I will just take them as them come I guess. I mean there is nothing more I can do right? I waste so much time on this computer it's scarry. I was on here from 6:00 - 1:30 last night. Holy fuck. I could have done so much.
A tribute to our old long, all one length, straight, hair Emily, as you're dying/cutting yours tonight :D When was this taken Emily, July? this just in you have just informed me via MSN that that was from AUGUST?!?!
This is a learning experience. Anyway everyone goes through this. And I'm sure one day I will go through it worse. I know what kind of person I am regardless. All I have, all I need is to be here for myself I guess. I am tired of basically spending my life time with a negative out look, the opinions in the back of my head. I need to stop make decisions on other people, and only for myself.
Then a week weeks later we both had different hair....
I have guitar @ 7:00 tonight. I wanted to go downtown earlier though to waste some time but I can;t see that happened because of what time we'll be eatting at.
and now it looks a little somethig like this, until now tonight you're changing it
My down period time is over, hopefully. I have to concentrate my negative energey on something else.
Anyway, that is all.
.:New York Cares:.