christine is too damn cool!
she made these two kelly quizzes :)
ooooh someone on MY friends list is all clever and html-ified *blows raspberry* ha! i have the best friendslisty people! hee hee
Which of Kelly Osbourne's random objects are you?by
Razorstar Which of Kelly Osbourne's hairstyles are you?by
Razorstar anyways, erm, didnt do anything today ~ had to look after my little brothers coz my dadsy went to watch wimbledon, and my mumsy is in hospital for the day. its SO boring spending the day with just them all day. they're 6 and 10.
we went and saw that new disney film, spirit of the somethingorother, which was a dreary reminder that monsieur walt disney is dead. his old films were much better.
muchly bored. and jo sent me an innocent text message asking me why i didnt go to the cinema last night. pffft. decided last minuteish that it would be crap coz none of them would have wanted me there apart from anything else.
hope the weirdy
ambient festival thing isnt too awful. seeing as its free, i have a sneaking suspicion it might be. ah well, costing nowt, so cant complain.
i wantneed drink for tomorrow. havent gotten drunk in, erm, oh a whole week. oops. i thought it was longer. but still, i wanna be drinking for this thing tomorrow, it could be shit. mmm..malibu..