Maelarts Art Dump Part Noin (Almost All Grrrrls! Edition!)

Sep 22, 2008 15:36

Moar Art/Fic Trades (only 6 more after this, then the 10 or so gifts...), and 2 pieces of Eidolon Smut.
Yes. Really. Leviticus and Femme!Agent.
If the smut suddenly breaks links, then photobucket has cottonned on and I will do a deviantart update. Huzzoo! 
EDIT: Well, they did. Enjoy Deviantart. You need to be logged in, however.

Please ignore dodgy scans. Union is only place with Scanner, and they have no imaging tools to edit with.
Will clean later. Maybes.

Stuart and Fiona Marshall

Charlotte Farnsworth





maelstrom, maelarts, leviticus, ima, dirge, arts, stuart, smut, charlotte, fiona, ishtar, marshall, persephon, jig, agent

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