The Plan: newtypeshadow + AO3 + taitfics

Jul 18, 2011 02:34

The short of it: I want to make newtypeshadow Friends Only.

I post a lot of personal stuff on this journal--always have. I began using LJ when it wasn't safe to write about my life in the notebooks I carried everywhere. The internet was the least likely place for my RL circles to discover me.

That is no longer the case. But by now, I'm practically hard-wired to use newtypeshadow for personal rambles, venting, and nonsense.

Which always made it weird to post stories here, honestly--like inviting people to read a page in my diary, and expecting them not to pay any attention to the page next to it, even though it's right there, and hey, peripheral vision!

There have been charming new developments in my LJ & online life, however. For one, my web site; for another, I'm starting to use AO3 for my fanfiction, and taitfics for my original fiction. I outlined the plan for all that in this post.*

I know not everyone wants to read my rambling when they could be reading stories instead, so I won't be offended if people de-friend this LJ in favor of joining/watching taitfics. I'm doing what works best for me**, and I hope you will too. ♥

*And so the X-posting begins. ^_~

**Except sleep--I am so exhausted right now! But I still want to post for Day of Porn, so after this it's quick and dirty sleep-dep edits, and then posting (on taitfics! Yay!) and linking in the appropriate places. And then sleep. Mmm, sleep. I craves it.

taitfics, how do i work? let me count the ways, projects, writing & creativity, clean house, web sites, this one's optimistic

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