Time is on my side? (Yes it is!)

May 12, 2011 16:29

The car
- no longer shrieks
- has oil and transmission fluid at safe levels again

I wrote
- with rosalynian, at the car place, in a mini writing marathon
- [the bones of] a story

This semester
- was fun
- is over class-wise
- is over homework-wise, as all has been turned in

My grades
- still might not be safe; the teacher to whom I emailed my last paper has not replied to my emails
- could screw me into retaking a required class if the above teacher does not count this last paper toward my grade

I am
- mostly relieved (exception due to "My grades" worries)
- unsure how to continue...

And so I end this entry.

homework, happymaking, writing & creativity, school, this one's optimistic

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