I might've expected this...

Apr 24, 2011 05:52

When I'm procrastinating on stuff I need to do, and also not letting myself write until said stuff is done, Morning Pages tend to be the only place my brain is allowed to play.

And my brain knows it.

3 pages of Morning Pages + 7 pages of story notes later (handwritten all, in the Morning Pages notebook--the story notes slipped in 4 lines from the end of Morning Pages, and so I had to let the thought finish itself. What? *innocent!face*), I have the basic characters and plot outline for the Wild Wild West bb_shousetsu story I signed up to write. And I really want to write it and figure out who to ask to illustrate. Because I am le excited about everything!

Amazing what letting myself write (even though it's through a Loophole) does for my mood. ^_^ Perhaps will even write an Eggs & Bunny Day Porn fic for holidaysmut--I really want to, but should perhaps go shower and sleep, seeing as it's 6am.


♥ Happy Easter indeed! ♥

ps. Have been listening to FireFlight ever since Pandora played a song of theirs for me, and I realized I've been missing out like woah. *officially adores them*

music, happymaking, writing & creativity, holiday fun, shousetsu bang bang, slash, holidaysmut, smut

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