soon, but not yet + campus living

Mar 21, 2011 18:08

Last night I wrote a short story in my notebook. I guess I miss writing by hand more than I thought. That or not being on the computer directly allows me to focus on Not The Internet. We'll see if I do anything with this newfound information. I blame maderr and the people who commented on her "why are all vampires named Dante?" post: the story contains a vampire named Paul, and another named Bill. Dante has left the building. ... Although I wonder if perhaps there wouldn't be an eccentric vampire who chose to Turn only stunningly attractive people with "cool" names...though given way "cool" names (and what is attractive) change over the years, that could still end up a problem.

I'm at school, and there are 30 minutes until class starts. Alas, I am not in the classroom, but the cafe--my classroom has no WiFi. (Travesty.) I should finish reading this play before it starts...>_>

Today, in this cafe connected to the library, I have seen/heard:
a) a bagpiper, playing while (I'm guessing) fraternity pledges danced badly in tablecloth faux-kilts outside the library entrance, to the amusement of the frat brothers and all onlookers (self included), and
b) heard a series of library announcements that the library is closing in 30 minutes / OMG RIGHT NOW, GTFO, ... followed by a different voice saying, The library is not closing (and sounding somewhat vexed by the continual pranking of the loudspeaker system).

Ah, it's the little things I miss about living on campus. Speaking of which, I wonder if I've missed the streakers running across campus in the name of spring. Or was it the end of finals? Hm. :P

homework, happymaking, writing & creativity, school

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