Less Than Three Press is publishing Love & Wrath!

Jan 25, 2011 23:40

The first two chapters of my novella Love & Wrath have just been posted by Less Than Three Press! Check it out! ^____^

The cover and blurb from LT3...

The worst thing to keep from your lover is a secret...

Mallory is in love; his boyfriend Alex is all that he could possibly want, and the life they're building together makes him happy-almost happy enough to ignore the fact that Alex is clearly keeping secrets. As close as they are, Mallory knows practically nothing about him. Alex travels a lot, and frequently comes home smelling of blood, reluctant to discuss his mysterious job. As Mallory has a secret of his own that he is loathe to share, he lets it go.

Until Alex comes home smelling strongly of magic, and Mallory's need to know overcomes his desire to leave well enough alone and cling to happiness. But his need to know has unexpected consequences, and puts both of their lives in danger...

Warning! This story contains graphic violence.

♥♥♥ I'M SO EXCITED! ♥♥♥

publication, writing & creativity, squee & win, less than three press

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