It's been a pretty good day...

Dec 23, 2010 20:54

Today has been lazy. Or rather, I have been lazy today.

Found out my Secret Santa is TOTALLY AWESOME (still name-seeking. Trying not to name the Dragosaur after a The Land Before Time character, or Draco of Dragonheart, even though I love them all).

Did Morning Pages.

Wrote letters.

Read some Jonah Hex.

Made chocolate chip cookies.

I think I should write for the 25 stories exercise I started last night during word war. Or do some critiquing (long overdue) for my friends. Or write more adventchallenge fics.

I am so glad we're having a low-key Christmas this year. I didn't realize how much school was taking out of me.

happymaking, holiday fun, squee & win, health, mail

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