I've done stuff today, no matter what the nagging in my head says.

Nov 21, 2010 22:37

I feel like I have gotten no work done at all today.

This is true for homework and writing my own stuff.

But I did Morning Pages, and an inadvertent freewrite for L&W, the ending of which is approaching swiftly, and has untied plot threads that enjoy dancing about in my head to see who can find the best dance partner and knot combo. (This gives me joy, by the by--in no way am I complaining about this. THE STORY IS ALIVE! ^___^)

I also answered a bunch of emails and LJ comments today though. Also, wrote up concrit for a friend's short story, and another friend's short essay, the first of which took up most of my evening, but which reminded me how great a writer she is, and also that critiquing is fun given a good story and the freedom to be nitpicky because the writer you're working with will appreciate it rather than take any critique personally. (Have I mentioned lately that I love my friends? No? Well, I love you all. *snugs you*)

At present, I'm thinking I should join a word war and write some of a school paper. If I can get that emailed in by Thursday, I think I will feel better.

Ooh, sister on phone! *excited* I talk to her first.

family, friends, writing & creativity, school, word wars, love & wrath, concrit

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