writing pens, writing class, writing times <3

Nov 09, 2010 23:49

Two of my pens are out of ink. This is good, as it means I have been writing. It also means tonight is a flushing/cleaning night for them, so I can switch ink colors. I've had kon-peki and tsutsuji (Iroshizuku Ink) in these two for a few refills now. Perhaps tsuyu-kusa and shin-ryouku? Or yama-budo, because it is a gorgeous purple, and the pen with North African Violet (Noodler's Ink), which is also gorgeous, will likely run out of ink soon too and need flushing and refilling. Decisions, decisions.

Had my Manuscript class test today. I did not get 100%, but I know I did well--especially given how slowly I fill out tests, and that the class had to wait for me to finish before we could take break and go on with the lesson, and I knew they were waiting on me and felt rushed on the last question. But it's done and out of the way now, and so I am thankful and relieved.

I got to share What If? 3rd Edition (the $10 edition is also amazing, and though there are fewer exercises, it is well worth buying) and Writing Alone and With Others with one of the girls in the class after the test ended. I love those books so much! ♥

After class, went to a coffee shop to write with jameson9101322 and rosalyn_angel. Always good times, that.

Now, though, I need to shut up and write. ^___^

pen and ink, friends, writing & creativity, school, love & wrath

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