posted "An Uncommon Client" to holidaysmut

Nov 09, 2010 00:47

I'm edging ever closer to the end of L&W. Tonight, the question is: will I allow the MC to scramble out of the hole he's in, or follow Mama Odie's advice and "Dig a little deeper"? (Hells yes The Princess and the Frog reference!) *cackles* Oh, the life of a writer.

That said, this afternoon in the car, the Masked Actors universe bit me and was like, LEMME TELL YOU THIS IT'LL ONLY TAKE A SECOND! So while I waited for an appointment, I pulled out my laptop and tried to record the scene playing out in my head.

An Uncommon Client was the result. It's posted to holidaysmut--a comm you should all check out, if you haven't already. ^_^

I should study for tomorrow's test now, I think. What? I couldn't do it before, honest! Those plotbunnies are vicious!

happymaking, slash, holidaysmut, ficlets, writing & creativity, squee & win, smut

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