papercuts on the knuckle are not cool at ALL

Nov 01, 2010 20:35

Last night I went with the DadFam to a performance--the last performance of May "Lady Jazz" Wheeler. It had a wonderful variety of performers, and we all enjoyed it thoroughly. Also ran into Kenny for the first time in years--he was on staff at my high school, and is one of the kindest people ever. ^_^

In the end, I'm glad I went...even though I didn't want to go, since I have so much homework due this week. O_o (Being behind will do that to you.) Dad guilted me into going with my already-purchased ticket. For once, this guilting was a good thing.

Studied all afternoon with Ri and resumed keeping my daily to-do book. Every time I stop keeping that little book for more than a day, I get little done, and increase my stress. This happens consistently. You'd think I'd learn.

Tonight I need to get at least 1/3 of tomorrow's homework done; I have a coffee smoothie date with a friend before class, so I'll have less time tomorrow than usual.

Speaking of which, any tips or favorite links you guys have for writing a fiction and/or nonfiction synopsis would help me very much. ♥

whining, family, how do i work? let me count the ways, school, fail better

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