links and direction

Oct 28, 2010 23:40

Links of Cuteness and Win:
- Neil Gaiman guest stars as himself on the Arthur TV cartoon (13 minutes)
- A gay man signing a love letter to his deaf boyfriend (1.5 minutes)
- A young boy mimics the actions of a guard outside the Royal Palace in Stockholm, complete with mock-rifle and helmet (1 minute)

Kay's not on LJ at the moment, but she gave the last two links. She always finds the coolest stuff! ^_^

Today I was uberstressed, behind in my work, and unsure how to catch up in one of my classes without a clear topic for my research paper. Tonight after class I talked to the teacher, and also suddenly realized what I wanted to do for the paper. Same topic, different primary source, all good. ♥ So I'm excited and relieved now.

Dear Project Runway, WTF was that final decision you made? *not pleased*

wtf?, whining, happymaking, amusing, tv shows, school, squee & win

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