vampire and gaming and fic, oh my

Oct 08, 2010 23:48

I have been exhausted lately, so much of today was spent unconscious in very strange dreamscapes I am probably better off not remembering...especially given that I died. Again. I remember that part of one of the dreams. (I always die. *sigh*)

After sleeping, I watched 30 Days of Night and took notes, since I want to write my last vampire class paper on some aspect of it. It's a gritty movie that takes vampires back. That is, makes them inhuman, monstrous, conniving bastards who prey on humans and play with them because hey, they're stupid and entertaining and delicious. I am still in awe of how they work out the climax in that movie. I'd never seen Eben'd solution to the problem done before, in any vampire anything. I like that. ^_^

Immediately after the movie, it was time to pack up and head out to game with liadan_m. The game was wonderful fun! ^_^ We finally got to the end of the oneshot. (It's been a few sessions. *snerk*) Tonight's session involved a new player--who started an avalanche to surf down with his crashing helicopter, which he then landed on top of the moving train the rest of us were inside. It was insane. *cackles* Also, I got to tinker with stuff. And ring a lot of peoples' bells. At 4am.

Giant. Friggin. Church bells.

I've not been writing as much as I'd like, but that's always true. After I post this, I'm'a write my five sentences and then let myself relax. I finished chapter 8 of 14 two days ago, and keep having flashes of the climax while I'm driving to and from school. (Of course I'm a safe driver! Tuning in and out of this reality while speeding down the highway is normal! >_>) I'm excited to be approaching the showdown. I know what happens, but the story's been growing and changing (amen to that), so I'm curious about what will happen Officially, when the words are on the page.

Okay, writing time now. And later, catching up on LJ. Again. *is way behind*

rpgs & games (2), happymaking, goals/gtd, writing & creativity, school, rpgs & games

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