It's all about writing (even in class!)

Aug 31, 2010 23:12

I had my first class today, on how to prepare and send off manuscripts for publication. It was interesting. I'm sad I'm not allowed to take notes on my computer though, nor eat during class; neither has been a problem before, and I know many night students have class right after work and might not have time to eat. Aside from those two rules new to this semester (and I fear they're more widespread than just this class), the class seems promising.

I've begun an assignment notebook for this semester. It worked well for me a last Fall, so here's hoping it works well again. And that I keep up with it. *will work diligently*

In other news, I'm two paragraphs from done on my Fantasy paper, which will be a huge relief to finish and turn in. I'll sit on it for a day, revise, then send it in. The new semester has started, so I really just need to let it go. So I can write the third paper (have topic, needs lens source O_o) and get that done with. Especially since my teacher this Thursday is the one to whom I owe the third paper. >_> Nervous? Me? Oh hells yes.

In writing news, I've finished part 6 of 14 of the L&W expansion. So close to the hump, and so close to being over it! I'm really excited for the rush that comes when the end is in sight. I have two short stories to revise for the manuscript/publication class, one of which I'm dreading since it involves a lot of perspective, time, and body shifting that needs clarification. Ah well. If it's worth telling, it's worth telling well.

I'm getting better at putting all the other things I want to finish writing out of my head and only focusing on L&W--keeping the Sexy Other Projects from tempting me away before the draft is finished. So I will not complain about how slowly I am writing, and my lack of consistence getting things done. Nor will I make a definitive decision about whether I'm editing a novella next, or finishing a different story. Instead, I'll keep writing, piece by piece, until L&W's draft is done.

...With the occasional foray into a kinky_fantasy story, it seems, since I've started two that promise they will be short and straightforward. I'm not sure I trust them, which is why they're not done yet...but assuming I get my writing done for the day, perhaps I will let myself play. PERHAPS.

Finally, I've really missed reading fiction. I read in phases, and this month has been primarily a fiction month. Mmm, tasty. ♥ Also, need to update my web site. I think I made an update on my computer, but didn't actually post it. >_>

how do i work? let me count the ways, writing & creativity, school, kinky_fantasy, web sites

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