"fascinating new thing, I want you to love me"

Jul 23, 2010 13:42

OMG I got my first site email! I'm pretty damn stoked right now. And not just because I've been compulsively checking that address since the site went live, either. *squee!*

In related news, if you notice any tweaks or fixes needed on the site, please don't hesitate to let me know. ♥


On Wednesday, I felt pretty awful, so liadan_m sheltered me for a while, and helped with my application questions for The Job I Want. Said application will be turned in today! Yay things done!

After this is done, I will have no excuse not to focus on the papers needing done. I suspect without the stress of being pulled in multiple Important Directions, getting those done will be easier. Or at least, I hope so.


Tonight will be a write-in night with my Vampire classmates (or classmate?) in the Loop. I plan to get some concrit done that is long overdue.

I also plan to write a bit about the background and plotline for the RPG I'm going to run for jameson9101322 and rosalyn_angel to test out the Savage Worlds system. The idea seeds came from my little sibs, who are amazing and worthy of all good things. *snugs them*

happymaking, writing & creativity, work, web sites, pen names, family, friends, squee & win, rpgs & games, moods

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