pulling teeth is so lonely!

Jul 19, 2010 19:36

In a fit of "I cannot work in this environment!" I sent off an email to a group of local writing friends telling them I'd be in a cafe in the Loop, and asking them to join me if they had the time and inclination.

It was all very last minute. Sadly, I have been here two and a half hours, and I am still alone.

I got the practice application done that I want to have turned in by Wednesday night, so that is good. But now I have Finished something, and I am faced with the need to Start something else--and starting is the hardest thing ever for me! Especially because my choices are continuing Love & Wrath (need to do this), working on my paper as much as is possible without the book (foolish tait, leaving it at home!), and web site coding (preferable, but I just did that earlier today).

Am I being a "whiner baby," as Coach Boomer would say?

If you think yes, don't tell me. I think I will do some freewriting now, then L&W. Even though it is teeth pulling something fierce, and I need a break in the form of friendly conversation with fellow writers.

ETA: Not three minutes after I posted this, someone called to check if I was still here. She'll arrive in about 30 minutes. *SQUEE*

friends, writing & creativity, school, web sites, fail better, moods

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