My web site is live! ^_^

Jul 10, 2010 20:38

After ages of leaving the splash page up, I zoned on the pen name web site again today, and it is live! ^_^ (I work in sprints, zoning on a project, leaving it for a while, and then coming back and zoning on it again.)

I've been tinkering away on it much of the day, relearning CSS and picking friends' brains about what should be changed, what I should do for tracking, and how the heck I would find a banner when I can't use paint programs to save my life.

Thankfully, alice_montrose made me a banner, jameson9101322 gave me permission to use her artwork, Grey introduced me to a bunch of ideas for when the site is on its feet a bit more, and eastfarthing sat and wrote fic with me while I coded.

All in all, it has been a very good day.

Wanna see?

As always, concrit on the site (layout, quirky things, typos, and all the rest) is entirely welcome. ♥

happymaking, computers, writing & creativity, awesome, web sites, pen names, friends, squee & win

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