Wizard's First Rule: People Are Stupid

Jun 12, 2010 22:40

I didn't realize Halle Berry and her prettyboy model boyfriend (Gabriel Aubry) had split up. Upon finding out, however, I allowed myself two minutes to spazz to hg_retrograde about the ridiculousness of people who screw up relationships with Halle Berry. (The woman is friggin gorgeous! I don't care how pretty her baby-daddy is, because no amount of pretty excuses making Halle Berry sad. Unless you are doing it so Angelina Jolie can step in and kiss Ms Berry all better.) Then I closed the tabs from the site I found out on, and...

...Well, uh, I wrote this entry. BUT I'd been planning to update LJ for a few days now, though, so in the words of Jack Black in Tropic Thunder, "Don't judge me!"

wtf?, friends, ranting, fail better, stuff tait wants

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