one down, and that's all we'll say for now

Apr 14, 2010 00:32

Typed up the revisions for my paper, made some more tweaks and cut out two more paragraphs (it's still too long), and emailed it in. Yay done!

...I am not going to count the number of assignments I still have to turn in before the end of this semester. I am so exhausted right now. And I want to eat ice cream and chocolate. Instead of going to sleep. (What are these "internal discipline" and "willingness to listen to my biorhythms" that you speak of?)

Wednesday will be a crunch, between the counselor and the readings I need to do before class. We'll see what happens, I guess.

In other news, I read tonight at open mic, as did jameson9101322, and we both had mucho fun. ♥

whining, happymaking, school, moods

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