if you keep losing sleep

Jan 21, 2010 09:19

My sleep schedule is driving me crazy. I tried to sleep, failed, and so have been up for yet more hours just waiting to feel tired enough to catch a few winks before getting to what I'm scheduled to do today. Argh.

I wrote a lot of emails/comments/messages before my ill-fated sleep attempt. I'm still a little surprised at myself. I suppose sleep-deprivation makes me more outgoing?

Wednesday was my first vampire class of the semester. I loved it! ^__^ I'm excited for the reading, too, and started as soon as I got home. There are about 3x as many people in the class as are usually in my fullest classes--quite a full room--and while I'm not sure everyone will be there next week, I'm pretty sure most of us will stick around. The teacher's engaging, we had a good discussion and a few laughs, and all in all, it's a really comfortable atmosphere to voice questions and opinions. So yes. Hopefully I will not end up with a repeat of last semester, where I love my classes, but hate my brain.

I'm going to try to sleep...again...so wish me luck.

Oh--before I forget!

Members of Linkin Park, along with a slew of other artists, put together a free album for download. Their aim is for people to download the free album, and spend what they would've paid for the album (or however much they can/will) in a donation for Haitian relief. Download to donate at Music For Relief.org.

writing & creativity, school, mail, sleeping sickness

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