"I'll tell you how: with another idea."

Dec 20, 2009 15:26

I've written December Ficlets #3 and 4, so those will likely be posted later today. Number 4, which came into being in the wee hours of the morning, will probably spawn something bigger. I feel like I should be frightened of that, but perhaps I'm ready for longer things again, because it's exciting to have something to add to the list of things I want to explore further.

Last night I freaked the hell out about school, but eastfarthing was there with me (at R's Christmas party of joy and ticking clocks), so I did not go from party guest to party crasher and ruin the fun with my mood swing. I arrived and left happy, and eastfarthing has sworn she must come see my bookshelves because I keep showing her cool things from it, and this makes me happy. She also helped me park and un-park; without her, my unnatural parallel parking fail would have been more stressful than hilarious. ^_~

Runa called thirty minutes ago and asked when I was coming to Dad's. She is the cutest! Also, she is using phones all by herself already. *sniffles* They grow up so fast! So yes, I will head out in about five minutes for Dad's, and possibly see The Princess and the Frog with the dadFam. I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE THAT MOVIE! That, Sherlock Holmes, and Avatar are the three movies I want to see before school resumes.

...Though school is a whole 'nother can of worms right now. We'll see what happens there. In related news, shadowgoddess42 gets extra brownie points for calming me down last night too.

Finally, Ben Hur would like to say this: "I tell you, there are strange forces at work here!" Also, "How do you fight an idea?"

happymaking, writing & creativity, holiday fun, school, depression & anxiety, books & book reviews, friends, fail better, movies

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