in which tait returns to a remodeled house and a brand new dog

Aug 30, 2009 19:00

Okay, so when Mom picked me up and brought me home from the airport, there was a 7 month old puppy in the front seat. He's a scruffy-looking, white/tan/brown puppy a few hands tall--definitely not more--who is ridiculously outgoing and sweet. He has no name yet--Mom's thinking Rusty, but for some reason that name isn't meshing with me. He looks like a Benji...which Mom vetoed due to the classic movie, and which I'm secretly glad she vetoed because of landline000's RP character the other night. *snerk*

Scruffy Playful Outgoing Tykepup is sitting on the couch. We played with squeaky toys for a while, showed him around his new home, and let him out because he's already gone to the bathroom in the house three times (he prefers carpets, it seems). When I let him out after one such Accident, he was exploring when a leafy bush he'd just been sniffing popped back at him as he moved away. He jumped and eyed it warily. It was hilarious.

Mom and I have wanted to get a dog for a few years. We just couldn't agree on when--Mom was always saying, "You don't do enough around the house yet" or "The house isn't clean/organized enough yet" or "Money is tight" or "You have to help me take care of it." Also, we like different kinds of dogs. So you see, my surprise at seeing SPOT is understandable. She'd only bought him from an animal shelter four hours before she picked me up...and she hadn't expected to get a dog when she went in. (Clearly, my utter failure to resist temptation is genetic.)

I got home to find more changes. Mom had gotten a china cabinet to replace the giant one that she wants to sell because it is too big and doesn't fit with the decor. Mom has a chest of drawers in her office, and a wicker desk is coming in this week. In the basement, the entertainment system I'd been planning on getting at some point has been purchased and is much nicer than anything I could afford--and apparently was much cheaper than it was originally since she got it at a going-out-of-business sale. No TV in it yet, but that's fine--kerobaros is much better with electronics than I am anyway, and now that I know what will fit, I can ask him better questions.

Also, my flimsy shelves--same kinds as the two that literally broke in half while we were moving in--ended up breaking when Mom tried to move them during her remodeling frenzy of awesome. My books are now stacked on the basement floor...but there is more space for them than ever before. Why? Because she got new shelves to make up for breaking them, and they are taller, stronger, have more individual shelves, and there are four of them instead of three.

Finally, my bed has been on the floor since December because my bed slats are too small. When Mom was doing everything else, she had help moving things, and mentioned the slats to one of the men from our church who was helping her. He looked at them, told her to get slats about 1/2 inch longer, and she did. The fix cost all of $12. I should get those on the frame tonight. I SHALL SLEEP ON AIR!

So yes. Mom did most of this last week, while I was in Seattle. She didn't tell me anything about it except, after I saw SPOT in the car, "There are more surprises at home, but I didn't want you to worry while you were gone." So yes. I was floored when I got home. Happy and floored.

This will certainly make the organizing I was planning much easier. ^___^

pets, wtf?, family, happymaking, home, awesome

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