"preach electric to a microphone stand"

Aug 17, 2009 23:53

shadowgoddess had a day off today, so we went to Half-Price Books (I might have gone a little crazy--but I did put some things back that I picked up, like a semi-responsible person) and then wrote at Starbucks. I WROTE JINX AGAIN! It was very happy-making. Also, I'm bringing in one of the characters' family a bit more, which is always good in my book.

Before that, landline000 had me help make bread, which was a lot of fun, if nerve-wracking because I'm a perfectionist and there are no hard and fast rules for cooking, nor will all measurements be perfect. It was fun though, and the finished bread was very tasty. ^_^

Also, animangel called when we were crossing the street to head into Starbucks. Unfortunately, we got back pretty late where she is, so we will try to call her back at a time that is not obscene sometime tomorrow.

In other happy and wonderful news, today (Tuesday) is jameson9101322's BIRTHDAY!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY jameson9101322!!! May you have many more, all of them full of joy and loved ones and amazing art! ♥♥♥

books & book reviews, friends, writing & creativity, cooking & food

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