take the tree

Aug 15, 2009 20:26

I'm safely in Seattle with shadowgoddess42 and landline000. I have been well-welcomed, well-fed, and well-amused. I also did a bit of homework and a lot of learning today. ^_^ I helped make pizza, dough and all! Who knew?

Also, landline000 fixed up VirtualBox on my computer and--and--and--I PLAYED KING'S QUEST 1!!! ^___^ I sucked at it majorly, but it was a lot of fun, too. I GOT CHASED BY A WITCH! Also, I died a few times. And let loose a goat I was planning to feed to a troll. OH THE HORROR!

...I"m a little giddy right now, in case you couldn't tell.

Also, I need to write my school essays.

...I'll get right on that. In a minute.


rpgs & games (2), friends, writing & creativity, school, fail better

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