I haz a pulsebeat!

Aug 10, 2009 23:52

pulsebeat has been in town for the past few days, and I've been a terrible host (haven't taken her to touristy places), but we've been having fun anyway. ^_^ Also, the tykes are in love with her. We went to Dadfam's house today so I could sign up for classes, and Yaya and Runa were thrilled to see pulsebeat again. Warms mah heart. ♥

I am signed up for classes now, for fall. Yay classes!

Also, pulsebeat and I went to Borders today...and I might possibly have bought a few anthologies and The Hitchhiker's Guide omnibus--though in my defense, three of these were on sale. I read the first Sharon Shinn story in the "Elemental Magic" anthology. It was well done--an interesting take on Cinderella. Also, on magic.

I want to take the "Strange Brew" anthology with me to Seattle now. Unfortunately, I need to get back to that Borders to resolve an odd thing on my receipt, which I should have looked at earlier, but didn't. So yeah. We'll figure it out.

pulsebeat leaves tomorrow. ;_; I feel like I should do something special to send her off. Um...what is something special? *bad at this*

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