bb_shousetsu blues...or is it beta blues? or story blues?

Jun 21, 2009 22:10

The story I'm writing for bb_shousetsu is killing me. I've got two marvelous ladies helping me, and still my brain is going to fall off and rot on a stick in the dirt because this story is giving me problems.

I finished it almost three weeks ago and asked for a beta reader. The reader agreed to beta, then never responded to email or comments. Two weeks of this. Finally, I told nosferatu_blue about this and she, scrambling to finish her fricking brilliant bb_shousetsu story (I already know some of you will want to read it when it's out. It's right up your alleys), offered to beta for me.

Liralen of y!G found out from nosferatu_blue about the issue (t-3 days until deadline O_o) and offered to beta as well. She went over it for me, I revised it (and mulled over the Ending that is Not Working), and then sent it to nosferatu_blue, who found stuff I missed earlier and then gave good ideas about the end.

Meanwhwile, bb_shousetsu gave me an extension. It needs to be in by tomorrow though, and my brain, as was said earlier, is now a soggy mess. I'm half ready to give up on this story, tell it that it sucks and will always suck and that I never want to see it again...but I know it's a phase I go through with every story at a certain point, and that if I give up those people who put themselves out for me to get this done--one while on deadline herself--will have done it for no reason. Plus, I'll feel like a failure.

So...I guess I'm doing a John Braine style summary for my story. Hopefully it'll tell me what the best path is to go from where I am in the prose. I cut out the end hoping to write a new one. A better one. ...Looks like I might be cutting out what I wrote and trying again.

Damn, but this passion of mine makes for murder and drama. Thankfully, it stays on the page.

...Or, in this case, in chat rooms and LJ entries.

whining, writing & creativity, shousetsu bang bang, moods

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