Aug 25, 2007 18:49

Maybe its because I've been trapped on campus for the past two weeks, maybe its because I just showed some friends a totally new place and they embraced it with wonder and happiness, maybe I've just been marathoning a little too much Doctor Who, but I now feel the need for travel, expansion, and maybe even adventure.

I'm not totally sure what I need to do or where I need to go, but I do know that I need to do something,anything,new.  I want to explore buildings long after everyone has left. I want to wander and find small locations that most people pass buy without a second thought.  I want to find new people and new places and new things to occupy my thoughts.

All I can figure is that I've got a serious case of wanderlust. Ever since I was old enough to leave the front yard, I've been consantly exploring local places.  I'd spend hours upon hours climbing hills, playing in destroyed buildings, lurking in dark alleys, and walking to far off places just because.  However, since I've been in college, the farthest I've gone has been the Wal-Mart down the road.

So, anybody up for a little trip?
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