I leave for Florida on Thursday morning. I'm sort of on the verge of "squee" right now since it was March last I saw Jeff and say what you want about webcam, but I can tell you it's no substitute for giving your loved one a wet willie in the event the urge strikes you. I'm also sort of looking forward to the random Gainesville eating experiences, it's been too long since I've overeaten at
Sonny's BBQ and at
Rolls n' Bowls they have the best Chirashi bowls, my favorite being the Boss Bowl.
We'll be in West Palm on the 4th so we thought maybe the beach and I might try for another attempt on the surfboard. It's been ages since I've been to the beach so I'm looking forward to it, here's to being shark bait! Yar. I guess that means I have to do things like shave my legs, such a bother. The wedding is on the 5th and I have to party very lightly since we are driving to the 'Ville early Sunday and no one really likes a hangover on a 6 hour drive unless you're nuts.
Well, now that I've patched together a Frankenstein of a post as an update I guess I should get back to continuous work for a bit since I'm dying to read about the 'Interference of Humic acids and DNA Extracted Directly from Soil in Detection and Transformation of Recombinant DNA from Bacteria and Yeast'. I know you're all jealous, don't lie.